Hi, my name is Edison Freire.

Aspiring developer.

I'm an student in Hunter College and aspiring web developer.

Currently, I'm currently self learning fullstack web development.

Projects I'm proud of

Latest project

Full Stack Notes App

Developed a full-stack note-taking application using React for the frontend and Node.js with Express.js for the backend, allowing seamless addition, deletion, and updating of notes. Implemented PostgreSQL for persistent data storage, ensuring notes remain accessible between sessions. Utilized Prisma for efficient database interaction, eliminating the need for direct SQL commands, and deployed the PostgreSQL database using Elephant SQL.

Technologies used include:

  • React
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • PostgreSQL
  • Prisma
Screenshot of the fullstack notes app.


Wordle Clone

Made a functional clone of the wordle game that was sold to New York Times for over 1 million dollars. Recreated the ui from scratch using plain HTML and CSS. Utilized an API to generate a new word and check if the word is valid. You can try playing the game here (Game doesn't work on mobile). The source code is available on my github.

Technologies used include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JS
Screenshot of the world clone.

Contact me

Reach out for potential collaborations or to discuss new opportunities. Let's learn and grow together!

Email me